New build: Deutsche Sinti & Roma


Bremeneckgasse 2
69117 Heidelberg | Altstadt

Project Partner

Dokumentations- und Kulturzentrum
Deutscher Sinti und Roma e. V.

Contact Person

Felix Wohlfarth


The most important public representation of Europe’s largest minority population is located in Heidelberg’s Old Town: the Documentation and Cultural Center of German Sinti and Roma. »We are a center that documents the achievements and history of German Sinti and Roma by means of exhibitions, and through countless events makes cultural coexistence a reality as part of the majority society,« explains Emran Elmazi, Managing Director of the Documentation and Cultural Center.

The center opened in the early 1990s and since that time has been home to a permanent exhibition on the Holocaust committed against the Sinti and Roma and to Europe’s largest archive on the 600-year cultural history of the European Sinti and Roma. However, after over 20 years of energetic work, the building housing the center, which is financially supported by the German Federal government and the State of Baden Württemberg, has reached its limits. »Spatial reorganization of the institution will, in interplay with the modern new build, transform the Center into a flexible venue for dynamic cultural interaction«, comments Emran Elmazi.

In the closed, two-phase competition, architectural practices from all over Europe were invited to propose an intelligent urban planning solution for the Center’s spatial requirements. For the new build is intended not only to make the Center more visible and thus open it up to society, but also to house a new permanent exhibition and provide rooms for touring exhibitions, conferences, and events. From among the 25 entries submitted, Stuttgart-based architectural practice bez+kock architekten won the competition with a powerful design for the wedge-shaped site, one relying on the red sandstone typical of Heidelberg. An inviting staircase opens the building out to the city and leads to a podium which offers barrier-free access, while a spacious foyer with rooms for events is rounded out on the upper stories by exhibition halls that offer a view of the city and the surroundings. The new build ensures that the cultural and political work of the Sinti and Roma, as undertaken by the Documentation and Cultural Center of German Sinti and Roma, will have a pan-European impact.

The objective of the process was to represent one of Europe’s largest minorities as an independent and yet integrated part of society – and this has culminated in architecture that forges a clear identity. And it is not only the architecture that is of relevance but also the dialogs in the run-up to and after the competition, which were themselves part of the sense of »empowerment« that the special architecture symbolizes to the outside world.

March 2018


April 2018

Finanzierungszusage seitens Stadt und Land für Architekturwettbewerb

July 2018

Internationaler Expertenworkshop zur Ausrichtung und Programmatik

January 2020

Start der Bürgerbeteiligung

July 2020

Entscheidung der 1. Phase des Architekturwettbewerbs mit internationalen Zuladungen

March 2021

Aufstellungsbeschluss des Angebotsbebauungsplans des Gemeinderats

April 2021

Start der Bauherr*innenberatung und Voruntersuchungen durch Bundesmittel

July 2021

Entscheidung der 2. Phase des Architekturwettbewerbs